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Eon 2 6 5 – Simple And Elegant Time Tracking

Simulation Toolkit¶

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This submodule deals with epidemic simulation. We start with a quick list ofthe functions with links to the individual functions. A brief description isbelow.

Quick list¶

fast_SIR(G, tau, gamma[, initial_infecteds, …])fast SIR simulation for exponentially distributed infection and recovery times
fast_nonMarkov_SIR(G[, trans_time_fxn, …])A modification of the algorithm in figure A.3 of Kiss, Miller, & Simon to allow for user-defined rules governing time of transmission.
fast_SIS(G, tau, gamma[, initial_infecteds, …])Fast SIS simulations for epidemics on weighted or unweighted networks, allowing edge and node weights to scale the transmission and recovery rates.
fast_nonMarkov_SIS(G[, trans_time_fxn, …])Similar to fast_nonMarkov_SIR.
Gillespie_SIR(G, tau, gamma[, …])Performs SIR simulations for epidemics.
Gillespie_SIS(G, tau, gamma[, …])Performs SIS simulations for epidemics on networks with or without weighted edges.
Gillespie_Arbitrary(G, …[, tmin, tmax, …])Calls Gillespie_simple_contagion.
Gillespie_simple_contagion(G, …[, tmin, …])Performs simulations for epidemics, allowing more flexibility than SIR/SIS.
Gillespie_complex_contagion(G, …[, tmin, …])Initially intended for a complex contagion.
basic_discrete_SIR(G, p[, …])Performs simple discrete SIR simulation assuming constant transmission probability p.
basic_discrete_SIS(G, p[, …])Does a simulation of the simple case of all nodes transmitting with probability p independently to each susceptible neighbor and then recovering.
discrete_SIR(G[, test_transmission, args, …])Simulates an SIR epidemic on G in discrete time, allowing user-specified transmission rules
percolate_network(G, p)Performs percolation on a network G with each edge persisting with probability p
directed_percolate_network(G, tau, gamma[, …])performs directed percolation, assuming that transmission and recovery are Markovian
nonMarkov_directed_percolate_network_with_timing(G, …)Performs directed percolation on G for user-specified transmission time and recovery time distributions.
nonMarkov_directed_percolate_network(G, xi, …)performs directed percolation on a network following user-specified rules.
estimate_SIR_prob_size(G, p)Uses percolation to estimate the probability and size of epidemics assuming constant transmission probability p
estimate_SIR_prob_size_from_dir_perc(H)Estimates probability and size of SIR epidemics for an input network after directed percolation
estimate_directed_SIR_prob_size(G, tau, gamma)Predicts probability and attack rate assuming continuous-time Markovian SIR disease on network G
estimate_nonMarkov_SIR_prob_size_with_timing(G, …)estimates probability and size for user-input transmission and recovery time functions.
estimate_nonMarkov_SIR_prob_size(G, xi, …)Predicts epidemic probability and size using nonMarkov_directed_percolate_network.
get_infected_nodes(G, tau, gamma[, …])Finds all eventually infected nodes in an SIR simulation, through a percolation approach
percolation_based_discrete_SIR(G, p[, …])perfoms a simple SIR epidemic but using percolation as the underlying method.

Eon 2 6 5 – Simple And Elegant Time Tracking Sheet

Short descriptions¶

  • Event-based algorithms:

    These algorithms use an efficient approach to simulate epidemics. fast_SIRand fast_SIS assume constant transmission and recovery rates, whilefast_nonMarkov_SIR and fast_nonMarkov_SIS allow the user to specifymore detailed rules for transmission.

    • fast_SIR
    • fast_nonMarkov_SIR
    • fast_SIS
    • fast_nonMarkov_SIS
  • Gillespie Algorithms Mac blu ray player 2 16 5 download free. Terragen professional 4 4 44 0.

    These algorithms simulate epidemics assuming constant transmission andrecovery rates. They are commonly used, but in many cases are slower thanthe event driven methods. I do not see evidence that they are eversignificantly faster. It is not very practical to get away from theconstant rate assumptions so I prefer to avoid them. However,Gillespie_simple_contagion allows the user to do SEIR, SIRS, or any of a numberof other more exotic “simple contagion” scenarios that are not in the event-drivencode. Gillespie_complex_contagion handles complex contagions, in which anindividual requires multiple partners to have a given state before it changesstatus. For legacy reasons, Gillespie_Arbitrary is included, it simply callsGillespie_simple_contagion, and will be removed in future versions.

    • Gillespie_SIR
    • Gillespie_SIS
    • Gillespie_Arbitrary
    • Gillespie_simple_contagion
    • Gillespie_complex_contagion
  • Discrete-time algorithms

    These algirthms are appropriate for where we separate infection intogenerations. We assume infection lasts a single time step. The basic_*algorithms assume that transmission occurs with probability p for all edges.In contrast discrete_SIR allows for very general user-specifiedtransmission rules.

    • basic_discrete_SIR
    • basic_discrete_SIS
    • discrete_SIR
  • Percolation-based approaches

    There is a close relation between percolation and SIR disease which isdescribed in Chapter 6 of the book. Many of these algorithms are relatedto demonstrating the equivalence as outlined in the book, and are not reallythe most efficient way to simulate an epidemic. However, these algorithmswill be useful for estimating probability and size of epidemics.

    • percolate_network (undirected percolation corresponding to fixedtransmission probability)
    • directed_percolate_network (directed percolation corresponding toconstant transmission and recovery rates)
    • nonMarkov_directed_percolate_network_with_timing (uses user-generatedduration and transmission time distributions)
    • nonMarkov_directed_percolate_network (uses user-generated transmissionrules)
    • estimate_SIR_prob_size (estimates prob/size from an undirected percolated network - only appropriate if constant p)
    • estimate_SIR_prob_size_from_dir_perc (estimates epi prob and size from a given percolated network)
    • estimate_directed_SIR_prob_size (estimates based on constant transmission and recovery rates)
    • estimate_nonMarkov_SIR_prob_size_with_timing (estimates based on user-generated transmission and recovery time distributions)
    • estimate_nonMarkov_SIR_prob_size (estimates based on user-generated transmission rules)
    • get_infected_nodes (simulates epidemic and returns final infected nodes)
    • percolation_based_discrete_SIR

Eon 2.6.4 Crack – Simple and elegant time tracking.

Easy to use Time Tracking for the Mac featuring a clean intuitive interface. How to get minecraft pc on mac. Keep track of time for all your project in one place and then post it to your online service, if you wish so.


We support your favorite online services via in-app purchases to easily update your time to including

• ActiveCollab
• Apollo
• Assembla
• AtTask
• Blinksale
• Cashboard
• Celoxis
• Codebase
• Ding
• fixx
• FogBugz
• Freckle
• FreeAgent
• FreshBooks
• Harvest
• Intervals
• Invoice Machine
• Invoicera
• KashFlow
• LessAccounting
• Mavenlink
• MinuteDock
• mite
• Paymo
• Project Bubble
• Redmine
• Ronin
• ScrumDo
• TargetProcess
• Teambox
• TeamLab
• TeamworkPM
• Tick
• Toggl
• TriggerApp
• TSheets
• Unfuddle
• WorkflowMax
• YouTrack
• Zoho Invoice

Eon 2 6 5 – Simple And Elegant Time Tracking Consignment


Version 2.6.4:

  • Added support for self-hosted activeCollab instances
  • Improved JIRA support


OS X 10.11 or later, 64-bit processor

Eon 2.6.4 Crack Download Link

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Eon 2 6 5 – Simple And Elegant Time Tracking
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